Long Distance Caregiving: Dealing With A New Health Diagnosis That Requires Changing Your Loved One’s Care Plan

When you live apart from your loved one, there are few things more upsetting than finding out that they have a new health diagnosis that affects their quality of life. However, it is common for health issues to be discovered as a person advances in age that affect their ability to live independently. Fortunately, you can rest assured that your loved one will be okay by taking these steps to communicate regarding any necessary changes that will be required in their current care plan. Read More 

What Do Memory Care Facilities Do?

When you are searching for assisted living facilities, you may find certain places that offer a specialty in Alzheimer's care and general memory care. So how does this differ from a regular assisted living community? Here are some of the things they will offer. Help with Daily Tasks Help with basic tasks, including cooking, cleaning, and dressing, is common in many assisted living facilities. This will help a loved one with memory issues focus on staying healthy. Read More 

When Is it Time for Assisted Living?

There is no perfect time to start considering assisted living for an aging parent, but there are many signs that show some additional help would be beneficial. Here are some of the signs to put assisted living on your radar. They Have Trouble with Everyday Tasks One benefit of assisted living is that it's easy to hire someone for help with specific everyday tasks, such as cooking or bathing. These can take a lot out of a senior's day, and they may be neglected if they are difficult for your loved one to do on their own. Read More 

Some Prevelant Notions About Dementia You May Need Corrected

A person's mental health is one of the most important factors in determining someone's quality of life. Unfortunately, dementia can be a terrible condition that can rob a person of much of their mental prowess. In order to be able to help yourself or a loved one that may be suffering from this condition, you will need to have the right information behind several prevalent misconceptions. Myth: Dementia Only Impacts A Person's Ability To Remember Information Read More 

3 Tips for Transitioning to Assisted Living

Assisted living communities are an ideal living arrangement for seniors who often find it challenging to live alone as their age advances. Senior communities offer a number of benefits for older adults, including socialization, increased safety and an improvement in overall well-being. If you, or a loved one plans on making the move to housing designed for seniors, here are three tips that will help ease the transition.  Visit More Than Once Read More